Thursday, May 5, 2011

knowing better than to wear spike heels

today was a long day.  we have two vcr/dvd players.  neither plays consistently which causes lots of kid drama. a work meeting this morning.  and i was supposed to go to a court hearing but it got set for a later date which gave me shopping at Savers time; next size up baby boy clothes.  have been trying to convince the three-year-old that seasons have changed and that the winter coat should be hung up for the season.  she thinks the new jacket would look just fine on her baby brother and she'll wear the winter one, thank you grannie... she is always prepared with her coat and backpack on the ready, i imagine this says something about how much she doesn't enjoy being here -  i was amused that her social worker took her for her physical (the drama there being that the social worker was not prepared for the doctor's upset at a family that are conscientious objectors to immunizations and when the doctor got upset with her she, the social worker, 'forgot' to get the daycare physical forms signed which in my mind was the whole point of getting the physical taken care of and those papers need to be signed in order to even began to look at the possibility of daycare - desperate needs) but the amusing part was imagining the social worker, in her spike heels, leading the three-year-old past the same gift shop and balloon array that i mentioned in a previous post (she didn't know about the face mask trick) - so, i had to make a trip to the doctor to try get the forms signed and was told that not getting them signed while there means at least a 5-7 day delay. is it proper for a grannie to growl at a social worker?
when we took one child to a doctor last week, or was it two weeks ago? one young woman lisw was wearing 4 inch spike heels - maybe i really am getting old because these days the fancy footwear are the worn and torn beaded moccasins given to me 15 years ago by friends up in northern Manitoba

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